How to change your Blogger Logo?


What is blogger logo or favicon?
It is a small icon that gets displayed once you open a webpage. You may find this in every site you visit. I feel you must change this logo to your choice, simply because if someone bookmarks your page, then rather than the default blogger logo, it will be your logo that is saved in their bookmarks. This is the blogger logo or favicon that we are talking about:

This post features on changing the default blogger to a blogger of your choice. You can create your own logos with Banner Maker Pro software or with Photoshop or even simply with Microsoft Paint. We design professional banners and logos for various websites and blogs, visit "Our Services" page to get one designed by us for your blog/website. After you design your logo, you need to format the size to 16x16. This can easily be done with Adobe Photoshop. Once all this is done, make sure you save your picture in ".ico" format. (For example - "myicon.ico")

After your logo is ready for display, you have to upload it to some site. You may use ImageShack for uploading the picture. After you upload the picture, you will get a link to that picture. Copy that link and save it in a text file.
1. Now, go to your blogger dashboard. Navigate to "Layout>>Edit HTML". Make sure you back up your template before doing any changes.
2. Search for the following code using "CTRL+F"
3. Now, paste the following code above the line mentioned in step 2.
<link href='' rel='shortcut icon'/>
<link href='' rel='icon'/>
4. You may replace the above link marked in blue with the link. to your image. Save your template and have a look at your blog (address bar) now.


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