How To Get Indexed Really Fast? Socialmarker, Socialposter


The basics are the same as always, to get your site or article indexed by a search engine as fast as possible you need quality links pointing to your site/article. Google often visits quality sites that hold quality links and if a link to your site happens to be there Google will follow it and Oooops stumble upon your site and index it.
It used to be hard for someone who was completely new to internet to get his site indexed. You had no other sites you could put your link on so you had to beg your friends or even people you dont know to give you a link, or you submitted your site to Google and hoped for the best or you ended buying links.
Today this is in the past. All you need to do is to submit your site to as many social posting sites as you can. If your site is good and usefull other people might bookmart it to and add more quality to the link but even if they don’t your site will still be indexed pretty darn quick.

A few pointers for social bookmarking:
  1. It is better to submit an article with actual content than the site homepage
  2. Don’t submit crap, submitt things you think people will be interested in
  3. Dont just submit your own pages, this is called selfpromotion and bookmarking sites don’t like that, it can even get your account banned. So also submit articles that you find interesting but are not your own.
  4. Use bookmarking tools
Bookmarking Tool No1: SocialPoster


Jack said...

fantastic effort, my friend. Will be using this on 5 of my sites; I've already noticed more "Likes" just because the social media widget is there.
Free Social Bookmarking

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